Diamonds | Diamond Auction
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Diamond Auction

Wholesale diamonds straight from the source

Diamond auctions attract plenty of attention from enthusiastic buyers. People come from all around the world just to bid on a particular lot or even multiple lots. The basic principal is the same as any other auction. You may bid on various lots in the hopes of getting your hands on a bargain.

That said, not everyone can simply book a seat on the next flight out and attend an auction at the drop of a hat. The cost of an international plane ticket, hotel, and the entry requirements can be enough to make your head spin. Not to mention the costs! This is why we offer bidding services. That’s right, we will bid on your behalf and all you need to do is cover the price of the lot and our commission. When you compare the commission to the cost and inconvenience of international travel, you will agree that this is the most cost-effective and simple way of getting exactly what you want without the fuss.


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