Diamonds | Loose Diamonds
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Loose Diamonds

Wholesale diamonds straight from the source

Loose diamonds are those that are not set in jewelry their value is determined by four main factors, also known as the Four Cs: Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat. Other factors that influence the value of a diamond is its shape, the color of the imperfections, and whether or not the diamond is polished. Due to the extra work involved in perfecting the finish, polished diamonds will always have a higher value. It’s good to remember, however, that rough diamonds are a cheaper option, and you can always have it worked over and shaped just as you wish.

Clear (transparent) diamonds fetch some of the highest prices. Other diamonds are either classified as yellow or brown. Those with a brown hue are cheaper than a diamond of equal yellow tint. Apart from these, there are also some really desirable color options which can be worth even more than the highest quality colorless diamond. The cut of the diamond also helps dictate the value. Uncut, or rough, diamonds are known for their imperfections, but they are significantly cheaper than cut varieties. Sometimes diamonds are recut in order to achieve a higher quality finish. This, however, means that they sacrifice the size of the diamond. The clarity refers to the flaws (or inclusions) in the diamond itself. Truly flawless diamonds are extremely rare, and the flaws of slightly included diamonds can only be seen under a microscope. The closer the diamond is to perfection, the higher the price. As for carat, many people believe this to relate to the size, but it’s actually the weight that counts. In some cases, a slightly smaller diamond might weigh more, and this will result in a higher carat which, in turn, results in a higher value.

There’s no substitute for quality in the diamond industry which is why it’s so important to purchase them from a reliable source. All of our diamonds come from Yakuts, Russia and are mined by Alrosa. Not only does this ensure that all of the correct channels are followed in terms of mining and resale, but it also sets your mind at ease when dealing with a reputable company. Contact us today for more information on quality, pricing, and various order options.


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